"Nationalized Health Care -
Count Dracula in Disguise"
An Article and YouTube Video
By Ron Ewart, President
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author on freedom and property rights issues
© Copyright August 12, 2009 - All Rights Reserved
The issue of Nationalized Obama Care (not national health care) has captured the nation again, as it did with Hillary Care in 1994, that cost the Democrats the loss of the House and the Senate to the Republicans. This over 1000-page, legal mumbo-jumbo monstrosity is one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation ever proposed by any American government since the American Revolution. It will take over every aspect of our lives, remove any semblance of individual privacy and drive the price of health care and just about everything else, through the roof. Income taxes will be increased on everyone to pay for it and it won't be enough. Government, in order to manage our health care for us, will have access to our income tax records, our medical records and our employment records. All this information will be collected in giant government computer data bases and then dumped into lap tops that can be lost or stolen. None of our private information will be safe. Every single American will be just a social security number to these over-paid politicians and bureaucrats.
Our economy will suffer big time. Jobs will be lost in response to health-care penalties on small businesses. Small businesses will go out of business as nationalized health care picks winners and losers. Being "big" will get you an exemption, or outright favorable treatment.
But worse, it will be a trial lawyer's dream come true, as they "mine" the legislation for potential class- action lawsuits against individuals, doctors, medical-care professionals, hospitals, clinics, health-care agents and insurance companies, accompanied, of course, by exorbitant attorney's fees.
The American producer, again, in the name of irrational compassion, is being asked to pay for the non-producers, as if the non-producers have an absolute right to the earnings of the producers. That is pure socialism, if not Marxism and it is blatantly unconstitutional. Nationalized health care will pay the health care costs of over 12 million illegal aliens. In the end, government will be forced to ration health care for the elderly and the very young, because there will not be enough money in the treasury to pay for it all, no matter how much they raise taxes. Like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, Nationalized Health Care can be headed nowhere else but national bankruptcy.
This horrid piece of law, along with all the other pieces of new law this President and this Congress are shoving down our collective throats, will bury the country in debt, we will never be able to repay. America is already a huge credit risk. As the money runs out, rationing of health care will increase. As you reach an advanced age, you will be on the long list of those who will eventually receive care, just like all other socialized medicine models in other countries. Waiting times for health care will double or triple.
The decision-maker will be a bureaucrat, somewhere in the bowels of the federal government and they will be able to decide whether you live or die, not you or your doctor. The decision will be based on the medical condition of the individual, the cost of the health care for that medical condition, the individual's future contribution to society (by a government-set standard) and further, based on available funds. This, by any other name, is rationing.
Nationalized health care, along with Cap and Trade legislation and all the other socialist and radical environmental legislation the Obama Administration and the U. S. Congress are passing AGAINST the American people, will eventually break the back of our economy and we will enter a phase of hyper inflation. Seniors on fixed incomes will find their money buys less and less. Many will go hungry and starve. Government will respond to the "hunger" emergency by raising taxes and taking more control. Deep recessions or even depressions will be with us until America collapses. In short, what Obama, Pelosi and Reid are doing to America will take the U. S. Constitution and dump it in a deep hole in the ground, they will pour dirt over it and bury it, once and for all ..... if we let them.
All sane Americans must rise up against this destruction of our freedom and liberty and they had better rise up very quickly, or none of us will recognize an America that was based on the foundation of individual freedom, as a gift from our creator, that no man or a government should have the power to put asunder, but did anyway.
In response to this government-instituted injustice, we have produced a YouTube video entitled: "Nationalized Health Care - Count Dracula in Disguise". You can view the video at:
2 weeks ago
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