By Ron Ewart
For almost 100 years, people in national and international high places have been trying to merge the wealth and resources of a free and prosperous America, into the Hell hole that is most of the rest of the world. There are some countries who are the exception of course, but very few. In other words, the powerful and wealthy, who think they know what is best for every human on earth, have been trying to "spread the wealth" of a great nation ..... a wealth and prosperity created by its very freedom ..... and parcel it out to those who have not done a very good job of managing their own national affairs, or wisely using their own natural resources, while immersed in the grips of the resident dictator, or under the unrelenting and abusive hand of a socialist or communist government.
Oh, their motives sound noble enough, in that most of these world-government overtures have occurred right after a world war. But their stated motives of trying to prevent further planetary blood shed, are but a part of a much greater hidden agenda ..... that hidden agenda being total power and total control over all the peoples, wealth and resources of the Earth. But the dirty little secret is, a free America and our pesky little constitution, stand in their way. The efforts to take down a free America, have been and are still going on with a vengeance and growing by the day. The not-so-hidden agenda of the current president and U. S. Congress are furthering that effort, by buying off the American people so they won't mind a little constitutional destruction behind the scenes.
President Woodrow Wilson, in order to end the bloodshed of any further World Wars after World War I, promoted the idea of a "League of Nations". He wrongly thought that our Constitution was a major impediment to establishing the "League" and stated clearly that it should be changed to adapt to the new world order. The "League of Nations" failed miserably and ended up in the scrap heap of grandiose ideas that never had a chance in the first place, because they were built on a "bed of sand".
After World War II, the same thing occurred, for the same supposed reasons, and the United Nations (UN) was born in 1945. As the UN grew in stature, the number of nations, (now about 192 countries) and money, what happened was totally predictable ..... abject corruption. What do you expect from an organization that is embedded with dictators, despots, socialists and communists. What could you expect from a bunch of corrupt leaders gathering together for the sole purpose of stripping America, the big "daddy" on the block, of all of its wealth and resources and its sovereignty, for their own ends?
The sad part is, the United States has paid the lion's share of the money that has kept this corrupt organization in "business". Otherwise it would have folded like the League of Nations, as it should have. In other words, Americans have been and are having to bear the cost of the instrument of their own destruction. Not too bright on our part, is it?
For 100 years, Americans have been faced with an organized effort by powerful nationalists and internationalists, to rip America apart and dilute its sovereignty, with the purported goal of establishing a One-World-Order. Democrat and Republican presidents alike, have openly promoted this idea. In our minds, that should be treason.
The now deceased and much heralded journalist, Walter Cronkite, stated openly after his career ended, that world law and world courts should be established to prosecute those on the world stage, who would dare to flaunt or violate the world law. (see his video at: That would mean that Americans could be extradited from the U. S., to who knows where, and tried in a world court for so-called violations of the world law, by who knows what judges, with who knows what biases. As bad and corrupt as U. S. judges and our courts are, most Americans would much rather take their chances in an American court, where there is at least a half-hearted attempt to follow the Supreme Law of our Land.
But let's get down to some very serious questions:
1. Who would run this world government? The United Nations? You have got to be kidding. Would you put your life in the hands the most corrupt organization that ever existed since the dawn of time?
2. Who would draft the "world law"? Bureaucrats in the UN? Socialists from Europe? Communists from Russia? Despots and Dictators from the middle East, Central and South America, or worse, Africa? Come on!
3. Under what foundation would such a world law be drafted? This question is really scary.
Have any of you seen what policies the United Nations have drafted already and are trying to implement world-wide right now? Each UN policy reeks of socialism .... a socialism that is to be funded by and forced on, the backs of once-free Americans .... because we are rich.
One of the last issues to be addressed with world government, is what happens to the people of Planet Earth, if the power, strength, wealth, freedom and sovereignty of America, are diluted to the point of being virtually impotent under the new world order? It is readily acknowledged that had it not been for the power, wealth, military might and the millions of American men and women who sacrificed their lives, limbs and minds in two world wars, over a billion people might still be in chains today and Americans might be speaking Japanese or German. If it wasn't for the military might of America, rogue nations would take us on by military force or terror, on a daily basis. It is best, at this time in history at least, that these rogue nations fear us. Negotiating with them is pure insanity, as some in our government want to do.
If it weren't for the wealth, strength, freedom and sovereignty of America, who would be the greatest consumers of international goods? What countries would starve because we no longer would live in the land of plenty and "buy" what the world markets have to offer under world government? What would happen to all countries on all the continents, if the last bastion of freedom were to be reduced to the level of a third-world nation? The answers to these questions are all too obvious.
America is the last great hope of a world gone mad. If it and its freedom and sovereignty dissolves, the world dissolves with it.
U. S. Senator Daniel Webster wrote: "Miracles do not cluster. Hold on to the Constitution of the United States of America and the Republic for which it stands -- what has happened once in six thousand years may never happen again. Hold on to your Constitution, for if the American Constitution shall fail there will be anarchy throughout the world."
The hard truth is, Senator Webster is absolutely right and millions of Americans had better get it through their thick heads that they are the last great hope for the preservation of America and its freedom and liberty and the last great hope for sanity in the world. The alternative is world government, as we have just described and serfdom on a planet-wide scale, that would come with it.
If Americans succumb to the siren call of the one-world-order, our children and grand children and all future generations who long to be free, will cry the screams of men in chains.
World government may be a possibility in the future, but only after all other nations have adopted the individual freedom and liberty promised by our Constitution, as etched into the annals of history for all free men to see. Until then, world government had better remain a pipe dream, of rich and powerful men.
2 weeks ago
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