A note to Judy, from Colleen
( To all my other friends and relatives. I am sending you a copy of this letter because I want you to completely understand just how bad the socialized medicine is. I lived for 14 years with it so I know what I am talking about. I was talking to my friend Judy and was trying to tell her what the man in Washington said about the new plan that Obama is proposing. You know the one with the big gray hair in a pompador. Well, we both laughted because most of the men in Washington have grey hair. So I found this email where this explains what we are afraid of. Please read it. It is long but I want you to know exactly what it is like and the kind of care you get.)
Hi Judy
This was the thing that I was trying to tell you about when we last talked. When I explained to you that I am very afraid that when the new health bill comes to our country, they will have the attitude like they do in England and Canada. The attitude that when you reach a certain age, namely 65, they will not invest money into maintaining your health but will instead tell you this. Well, what do you expect? Aches and Pains come with the age. You have to accept these things. We can not afford to pay for the drugs that will relieve your pain, just because you are getting older. Accept it and learn to live with it. They have already listed some of the things they will not pay for, like back pain treatments ect.
I have had many doctors tell me this in Britain especially after they told me I had to get off of hormone replacement therapy.
Now it is a fact that they do not give mamagrams for women over age 65 and they have stopped all breast exams by the doctors. That happened in 2003 or 2003. When I tried to make an appointment for both of these exams, I was told that they do not do these type of exams anymore due to my age.
Remember I lived in Britain for 14 years, so I got to know how the NHS really works. When Davids mother went into the hospital when she had a stroke, there was bloody hand prints all over the glass door that seperates the patient from the women behind the desk. Dirty balls of dust where all over the floor. Paper towels and the kind of things you would expect to see in the rest rooms of some back water gas stations. The biggest problem is the lack of cleaning which is done by the cheapest company that gets the contract. And the cleaners gets no special instructions in how to clean or disinfect the areas. Remember the cheapest company gets the contract. They have plastic flowers in the high walls for decoration, filled with dust and dirt for years! and the MHRS, or the super drug runs rampid in most of all their hospitals. People are afraid to be put into the hospital for fear of getting this super drug.
Now during those 14 years, the more the people complained the more money that the govt put into their socialized medicine, the NHS. National Health Service. However it worked in reverse, the more money they put into it the worst it got. The waiting lines grew longer, and longer. Yes people die every day while they are waiting for treatment. You read about it all the time in their newspapers.
When you get to see a doctor, you have just 5 minutes visit with him and he decides if he should write you an prescription or send you to see an consultant, which is a specialist doctor. Now you are on the waiting list. I waited 18 months after the cateract was deemed to be to the stage that it should be removed. Even though I was seeing things in triple vision, that did not matter, I had to wait my turn.
Now I shall tell you what happened to my best friends daughter Christine and this is happening now. In January of this year she got a cold and started to cough. The cough stayed with her, for weeks and then she started to lose lots of weight. She made an appointment to see her doctor and they were going to do so small surgery as she had a cyst on her bottom that needed to be taken out.
By the doctor casually mentioned to her that she might have cancer of the throat because of the cough, but decided that she needed to have the cyst removed first.
She got to the hospital and when she was there they said, oh no , we can not operate on this, as you have a cough. You will have to see another doctor about the cough first. So that meant more delays, weeks went into months all the while she was in so much pain from the cyst on the end of her butt. Then she started to have very bad diarrea. Her husband called the doctor and the hopsital - and they told him, oh no we can not see her or admitted to the hospital if she has diarrea. Go see you regular G.P general doctor and get some tablets to get rid of the diarrea. They refused to see what was causing the diarrea, lost of weight and the cyst which filled up 2 times aday and burst; then she would have some relieve for a short time, till the cyst filled up with fluid again.
She lost 30 pounds and was down to 73 pounds and she was as tall as her mother, 5'8". Now this started at New years, in January 1, 2009and this is now July. Now you wonder why did she not got see a private doctor. Well her husband worked for BT, British Telecome for 30 years and he thought that he was paying for private insurance. But he found out that he has to go into the NHS hospital and wait his turn like everyone else. Even though he paid for private insurance.
By this time she was so weak she could not walk to go to the bathroom so she was using a pan and her husband noticed that there was blood in the diarrea. So he immediately called the hospital and told them what was going on. They told him they will have to call him back. He waited hours. No phone call so they all went to bed.
Several hours later they where woken up by the sound of ambulance siren. And a loud pounding on their door. Two ambulance men where pounding on the door. Her husband opened the door and was told that they came to pick up Mrs So and so and take her to the Maidstone Hospital. So they finally got around to allowing her to go into the hospital to see what was wrong with her. They gave her a private room because she has such bad diarrea.
Now they have given her tests, and we are still awaiting to see the results of the test. They have also told her that she is to eat nothing for one month, so they gave her some prescription that she drinks 5 times a day. It is something like Ensure. I will let you know if she has cancer of the throat. She does not smoke and will not be around any one that smokes. But this is what you go through when you are sick in a country that has socialized medicine. You wait your turn. Most of the doctors and nurses are from 3rd world countries and can hardly speak any english. The first doctor I had was a Indian husband and wife. When I told her what my complaint was she looked into a catalog, like a very thin Sears catalog and looked up the different prescriptions to take for the different symtoms.
There is no way that our medical care can promise to reduce the money they charge without reducing services. Now I forgot to tell you that before I reached 65 and got on medicare, I was only on medicaid, I had great difficulty finding a doctor who would see me. Now Obama tells you that if you like your doctor, they you will get to keep your doctor. But what he is not saying is this. The doctor may not keep you. I had doctors who refused to see me because I only had medicaid. They do not want to take medicaid patients because they are paid so little.
Now when I was rushed to the hospital when I first arrived here in Tx, the emergency doctors did not want to treat me because they said that they are not there to take care of people who have pains in there back. I told them that if they do not treat me and find out why I am in so much pain, I will go home and kill myself because I will not live in this pain. I could not move my left leg, nor move from side to side. It was like I was paralyzed.
The doctor told Matt and Mark aside and asked them if I had any mental problems. They told the doctor that my mother is a very strong woman and she has lived with her back problems for all her life, but this is more than just pain coming from a bad back, there has to be something else wrong with her.
So they took a blood test to check my white cells count and found it was off the wall. They thought that I had luekemia. Now they gave me to a new doctor, who must have just came over here from China. He could hardly speak any English, but said he would accept me as a patient. Though he could barely speak English, he knew what to do and gave me every test that I needed! He took great care of me and got me to where I am today.
He accepted me without any insurance and without medicaid only because he was trying to build up his practice. He was low man on the totem pole. I was lucky to get him.
So Judy - when you read what is in the next part of this email, remember that this is coming from an Republican, but that does not negate what we are all afraid of. We have to make sure that we do not get the plan that is anything like what England and Canada has. Oh, and England has had free medical care since 1947 so they have had 60 some years to work the bugs out of the plan. But the plan is doomed to fail because there are always more people who need care than what the working people want to pay in taxes. France has the same system and it also has problems, but not as many as England, but that is because more people come to England due to the generous benefits packages they give to everyone.
So don't get mad when you read this, just think about what they are proposing.
2 weeks ago
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